Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Job Thing

After a long day waitressing/bartending all day yesterday Im exhausted!

I work at a local pub which is really close to my house, and have a love-hate relationship with it. The money is beyond great on busy nights, but its also not as easy as some chose to believe (**cough** brothers **cough**).

Yet one thing about it is there's never a dull moment! Between crazy customers and drunk regulars, there is always a laugh to be had!

Yesterday I worked solo for lunch so I racked in the cash ... cha-ching! $$ 

In addition to the busy lunch, interesting happy hour (ranging drunks ... for privacy reasons I'm not gonna go into too much detail here) ... it was the STANLEY CUP FINAL!!!

What started off as a slow night, shortly turned into a pub packed with adolescent hockey fans. Unfortunately I ended up with the dull section, but hey I made my moolah during the day so I was satisfied with a slower night!

This Morning:

Thursdays tend to be my days off from the gym, even though I try and fit in a workout session.
I set my alarm to wake up this morning, but after getting in after midnight I quickly pressed the OFF button and ignored my intended gym workout. Snoozing time sounded so much more enticing.

Once I rolled out of bed at 8:30am with a scorching migraine, I popped some meds to get rid of the pain and headed downstairs to get some breakfast.

In the mix this morning was the following:

- Frozen Raspberries
- 1/2 Banana
- Strawberries
- Source non-fat yogurt
- Chia Seeds
- Peanut Butter homemade granola ... thanks to Julie's recipe over at PB Fingers!

Enjoyed along side an ice coffee!

After breakfast, and catching up on my favourite blogs I quickly got ready to drive my brother to work. Unfortunately the migraine thing hadn't gone away yet so I got someone to cover my very short shift at work.

After the pain killers did there thing, I headed over to the mall with my brother Chris to pick up some presents.

These next few days are a little chaotic in the Milner household, with my parents anniversary tomorrow, Father's Day on Sunday, and my Mom's birthday on Tuesday!


After returning from shopping I grab another yogurt bowl, that very much resembled this mornings breakfast, while watching some old episodes of ER on my laptop. Im so sad that im on the last season! It's become an addiction I hate to admit, but it's just so darn good! Anyone else watch it?! ... Readers? Anyone out there? lol

I then ran out to meet my friend Laura for a quick coffee to catch up. The weather is beautiful here tonight so we opted for a spot to sit outside and enjoy our conversation.  It was great catching up, but unfortunately she had softball so we ran out of talking time!

*Laura & I on Halloween 2 years ago

We planned on getting together every Wednesday for Lululemon's FREE yoga in the park all summer long! I can't wait! Hopefully we stick to it and don't let our busy schedules get in the way!

Anyways this is getting to be a super longgggg post so im outta here! Have a good night!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Hello Blog World!


Welcome to Free as a Bird, a new blog devoted to my post University life!

Having just graduated from Trent University with my BA in IDS and Anthropology, Im finally free from school and out in the big 'ol world, free to discover and do as I want :)

After getting on the blog bandwagon only a few short months ago, I've decided it would be a great way to keep my healthy living in line, as well as be a place for family and friends to check in when I travel in the new future!

Im not entirely sure what the whole blog thing will entail, how many posts there will be everyday, but I do aim to use it as a way to share stories of my daily life, my travels and anything out I find fitting. Additionally I plan on logging my exercise routine and meals, yet this is more for my own use to keep on track then advice for others.

If you're wondering about the name for the blog, it just seemed fitting. When I was buried in homework, papers and assignments in University, and would call home to talk to my mom for words of advice, she would remind me that in only a few short months I would be done and FREE. Thats when I would reply, Free as a Bird!

Thanks for reading! Have a great day :)